Welcome to another great year with the Louisiana Association of School Administrators of Federally Assisted Programs (LASAFAP). While I have the pleasure of serving as President, the success of LASAFAP is only possible with the active support and participation of the membership, executive board members, and committee members. As you may know, LASAFAP comprises a solid network of over 250 federal program administrators. Please maximize the value of your membership by taking advantage of our conferences and networking with your colleagues.
These are exciting times for our educational systems. Our challenges are to stay on track by retooling existing capabilities and building new ones, even as we face headwinds in the form of regulatory challenges and the continuance of the implementation of ESSA and ESSER. Our organization will focus on these challenges and opportunities and draw upon lessons from others who have faced similar challenges in other parts of the globe.
LASAFAP’s executive board is here to serve your needs as a member. The organization has exhibited a spirit of excellence because of the hard work of our planning members, in addition to the support of our sponsors and your excellence. Many exciting programs and events await us in 2023-2024, and I hope you are as excited as I am about continuing the tradition of success. The strength of our organization is premised on the level of involvement of our members. Please call or email me or any committee chairperson to share your ideas, thoughts, or feedback to improve LASAFAP. Thanks for your support!