Conference Presentations
INSTRUCTIONS: To view or print a presentation, simply click on the presentation title.
2024 Spring Conference Presentations
Thursday, March 7, 2024
- EDGAR Updates (Bruman, PLLC)
- ESSER, ESSA, IDEA and Other Hot Topics (Bruman Representatives, Bruman, PLLC)
- eGMS 101 and 102 (Randy Littleton and Bernell Cook, LDOE)
- ESSA Titles II and Titles IV (Denise Karamales and Julee Wright, LDOE)
- Homeless Education and Family and Parent Engagement (Dr. Antiqua Hunter, LDOE)
- McKinney Vento Authorized Activities 42 U.S.C. 11433(d)
- Program Monitoring Updates and Stakeholder Engagement Round Table (Tasha Anthony and Angela Randall, LDOE)
Friday, March 8, 2024
- ESSER/ESSA Federal Programs Updates (Bernell Cook and LDOE Team)
2023 Fall Conference Presentations
Thursday, October 26, 2023
- Best Practices for Grants Administration (Diane B. Allison, CPA, CGMA, CGFO)
- Simply "Complying" Is Not the Goal for Our EL Programs in Louisiana (Tia LeBrun, LDOE - Bayou-Levee Room)
- LDOE Accountability Updates (Jennifer Baird, LDOE - Cypress I)
- ESSA and IDEA Monitoring Preparation: Getting Past Monitoring Hiccups (Tasha Anthony and Cindy Hilton, LDOE - Cypress II)
- How Louisiana Is Leading the Way in Recruitment and Retention (Brandy Branigan Garrett, LDOE - Samuel Clemons Room)
- Early Childhood System Transitions for Preschool to Kindergarten (Janet Grigg, LDOE - MS Delta Room)
Friday, October 27, 2023
- LDOE Updates (Bernell Cook and LDOE Colleagues)
2023 Spring Conference Presentations
Thursday, March 2, 2023
- Applied Educational Neuroscience Tiered Supports (DHH Representative/DHH Volunteer)
- TBRI® & Trauma-Informed Classrooms (DHH Representative/DHH Volunteer)
- ACE Questionnaire (DHH Representative/DHH Volunteer)
- Audience Feedback Form (DHH Representative/DHH Volunteer)
- Introduction to Trauma-Informed Education (DHH Representative/DHH Volunteer)
- ESSER and EDGAR Hot Topics and Updates (Brustein and Manasevit, PLLC)
- Grants Management Test and/or ESEA and ESSER Fiscal Tests: MOE, MEQ, SNS and Comparability (Brustein and Manasevit, PLLC)
- Carl Perkins (Jessica Vallelungo, LDOE)
- Early Childhood/PreK (LDOE Representative(s))
Friday, March 3, 2023
- IDEA/ESSA Federal Programs Updates (Bernell Cook and LDOE Team)
2022 Fall Conference Presentations
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
- LDOE Programmatic Updates Session: ESSA (Homeless/EL/FPE), ESSER and IDEA Allowable
Activities/Costs, etc. (Bernell Cook, Kenya Jenkins, Meredith Jordan and LDOE Program Team)
- LDOE Fiscal Updates Session: Most Common eGMS Errors; Object Code and EIC Overviews; Procurement, Timelines, etc (Sheara Krvaric Esq, The Federal Group)
Thursday, October 27, 2022
- Federal Grant Updates/Overview (Sheara Krvaric Esq, The Federal Group)
- How to Determine Allowable Cost Using Federal Grant Funds (Sheara Krvaric Esq, The Federal Group)
- Maintenance of Equity Updates (Dr. Chauncey McElwee and Kenya Jenkins, LDOE)
- IDEA Allowable Costs/Effective Instructional Strategies for SWD (Meredith Jordan, LDOE)
2022 Spring Conference Presentations
Thursday, March 31, 2022
- Federal Grant Updates/Overview (Sheara Krvaric Esq, The Federal Group)
- How to Determine Allowable Cost Using Federal Grant Funds (Sheara Krvaric Esq, The Federal Group)
- Homeless Education (Dr. Antiqua Hunter, LDOE)
- eGMS 101/102 Overview (Randy Littleton and Kenya Pierce, LDOE)
- Federal Program Updates (Bernell Cook, LDOE)
Friday, April 1, 2022
- LDOE Monitoring (ESSA and ESSER) (Angela Randall and Tasha Anthony, LDOE)
a. 2021-2022 ESEA ESSA Consolidated Final
b. 2021-2022 IDEA Monitoring Protocol Final
c. 2021-2022 IDEA Self-Assessment Final
d. 2021-2022 IDEA Student Docs Checklist Final
e. 2021-2022 LA School Choice Final
f. 2021-2022 Moderate High SA Final
g. 2021-2022 Moderate Low (SWP) SA Final
h. 2021-2022 Pandemic Relief Cons Final
2021 Fall Conference Presentations
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
- EDGAR 101: Introduction to EDGAR (Aaron Kramer-Brosnan and Kelly Christensen)
Thursday, October 28, 2021
- ESSER Hot Topics: Allowability Issues (Aaron Kramer-Brosnan and Kelly Christensen)
- Equitable Services Presentation (Brustein and Manasevit Representative)
- Supplement Vs. Supplant Presentation (Brustein and Manasevit Representative)
- Parent and Family Engagement (Dr. Antiqua Hunter, LDOE)
- Driving Improvement Through Schoolwide Planning (LDOE Representative)
Friday, October 29, 2021
- Federal Program Updates (Bernell Cook, LDOE)
2020 Spring Conference Presentations
Monday, March 2, 2020
- Homeless Updates (Dr. Antiqua Hunter, LDOE)
- Federal Programs Updates (Dr. Catherine Pozniak and Bernell Cook, LDOE)
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
- Title II (Edeltress Brown, LDOE)
- Early Childhood Updates (Nasha Patel and Taylor Dunn, LDOE)
- IDEA Updates (Kristi Jo Preston, LOE)
- Louisiana Academic Strategies (Em Cooper, LOE)
2019 Fall Conference Presentations
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
- Federal Program Updates (Dr. Catherine Pozniak, Em Cooper & Bernell Cook, LDOE)
Thursday, October 24, 2019
- Title I Comparability & Monitoring Updates - LDOE (Angela Randall, Tasha Anthony, & Madeline Swift)
- Content Leader Training or Content Intervention Training - LDOE (Andrew Palermo)
Friday, October 25, 2019
- McKinney Vento Homeless Updates (LDOE)
- Foster Care Updates (LDOE)
- English Language Learners (Dr. Antiqua Hunter, Melanie Mayeux, Alice Garcia)
2019 Spring Conference Presentations
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
- Academic Strategy: Building Coherence Across Teams (Academic Content Team, LDOE)
Thursday, April 4, 2019
- Servicing English Language Learners (LDOE, Rosalind Bryant, & Dr. Tyrone Howard, Ph.D.)
- Homeless Education Updates (LDOE, Rosalind Bryant, & Dr. Tyrone Howard, Ph.D.)
- Direct Student Services Updates (LDOE)
- ESSA Equitable Services Updates (LDOE)
Friday, April 5, 2019
- Federal Program Udates (Bernell Cook and Tikera Chisley, LDOE)
- School Safety (Bernell Cook and Dr. Catherine Pozanik)
2018 Spring Conference Presentations
Monday, March 26, 2018
- Parent and Family Engagement Updates (Annie Morrison, LDOE)
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
- Common Audit Deficiencies (Amy Tynes and Nicia Bamburg w/Allen, Green, & Williamson, LLC)
- Non-Public Updates (Daphne Flentroy, LDOE)
- Foster Care Updates (Latrese Lacour, DCFS; Melanie Mayeux, LDOE)
- Homeless Updates (Antiqua Hunter and Laverne Dunn, LDOE)
- Digital Documentation (LASAFAP Members)
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
- Accountability Updates (Jennifer Baird, LDOE)
- LASAFAP State Initiative (Antiqua Hunter, LDOE)
- LDOE Updates (Bernell Cook and Catherine Pozniak, LDOE)
2017 Fall Conference Presentations
Thursday, October 26, 2017
- LDOE Updates (Bernell Cook and Catherine Pozniak, LDOE)
- Redesign Grant (Shavonne Price, LDOE)
- Foster Care Updates (Latrese Ladour, DCFS; Melanie Mayeux, LDOE)
- EL Standards and Assessments (Beverly Diaz, LDOE)
- ESSA Procurement & Fiscal Updates - part 1 (Bonnie Graham, Brustein & Manasevit)
- ESSA Procurement & Fiscal Updates - part 2 (Bonnie Graham, Brustein & Manasevit)
- Neglected or Delinquent (Edeltress Brown, LDOE)
Friday, October 27, 2017
- ESEA/ESSA Monitoring Updates (Catherine Pozniak, LDOE; Angela Randall, LDOE)